Sketches Of Emotion






Sketches of emotion is a hybrid performance consisting of an art installation and a contemporary dance performance, in which both artists interact in an interdisciplinary way. At the beginning of the performance, it is the power and emotion emanating from the dance movement that inspires Hendrickx as a visual artist for her drawings. During the second part, Hendrickx takes the lead and the dancer follows her movements on the wall. In the last part there is no longer a managerial position and both artists work towards each other purely from the shared energy.

The works that are created during the performance are literally made in the moment. The goal is always to capture the power and energy that emanates from a dance movement. For the groundwork, pastel powder is first applied to the paper, so that the dance marks left by the dancer become visible. Just like with the abstract expressionists, the paper becomes more of an arena in which the actions take place. The end result is based on coincidences and every action contributes to the end result.



In collaboration with : JC Choreography



We are currently working on a second version of the performance, in which we want to create a total unity between the dancer and the artwork. Justine Copette will wear a white costume so that the traces of paint left behind become visible. In this way the costume becomes a work in itself, created in the moment and in which chance plays an important role.